Toy Products GB Compliance for safety, labeling, quality and CCC certification
As toys are intended for children, safety is the biggest concern of consumers. By taking over 70% of world toy output, China has become the toy consumption market of the world. China’s government not only enforces comprehensive safety and labeling standards, but also closely monitors compliance of China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) which is one approach to continuously ensure safety and quality of toy products.
Before exporting toys to China, one has to ensure their products comply with safety, labeling, quality and CCC certification requirements for toys.
- Safety – GB 6675 specifies safety requirements for majority of toys sold in China. Effective January 1, 2016, the new toy standard GB 6675-2014 will supersede current toy standard GB 6675-2003. GB 6675-2014 consists of four parts addressing basic safety concern and physical, flammability and chemical safety as following.
- GB 6675.1-2014 Toy safety – Part 1: Basic Code
- GB 6675.2-2014 Safety of Toys – Part 2: Mechanical and Physical Properties
- GB 6675.3-2014 Safety of Toys – Part 3: Flammability
- GB 6675.4-2014 Safety of Toys – Part 4: Migration of Certain Elements
Electric toys will also need to meet mandatory standard GB 19865-2005 Electric Toys - Safety.
- Labeling – A toy shall comply with mandatory toy labeling standard GB 5296.5, general labeling requirements for consumer products GB 5296.1, and related clauses in Product Quality Law of People’s Republic of China.
- Quality – The quality and performance requirements of toys are specified in related mandatory standards and/or product standards. An appropriate standard shall be selected based on multiple factors, such as material, age, intended use, style and more, and to be declared as “Executive Standard” on the label.
- China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) – Six toy categories are required to be certified by authorized certification centers and to display the CCC logo on the product before being placed in the China market. These six toy categories include electric, plastic, metal, projectile and doll toys as well as ride-on vehicles. Each toy category has a relevant rule published by the China government to specify the certification process and requirements.
Intertek’s toy laboratories in China are accredited by China National Accreditation Service (CNAS) to conduct GB toy tests. Intertek also provides supplemental services, including CCC certification consulting, preparation of label templates and translation of labels into Chinese to meet GB standards, training and others as needed to assist you successfully export toys to China.