Standard: FMVSS 106 – Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard for Brake Hoses

Validation Required: Compliance with FMVSS 106 is mandatory for all automotive brake hose assemblies sold in the United States. Manufacturers must ensure that their products meet stringent performance criteria as specified by the standard and regulated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). To demonstrate compliance, manufacturers need to provide due diligence documentation. This typically includes test results, quality control processes, and proof that production units meet the same standard as tested samples.

Scope: FMVSS 106 sets the performance and durability requirements for brake hose assemblies used in motor vehicles. This standard ensures that brake hoses can withstand high pressures, environmental stress, and cyclic loading without failure. The test methods simulate real‑world operating conditions to verify that hoses maintain integrity, prevent leakage, and perform consistently over time.

Applicable Products: FMVSS 106 applies to:

  • Hydraulic Brake Hoses
  • Rubber Air Brake Hoses
  • Vacuum Brake Hoses
  • Plastic Air Brake hoses

Test Procedure: In our dedicated brake hose test lab, products are rigorously evaluated to FMVSS 106 requirements. Test flow, number of samples, and required tests vary depending on brake hose type. Key test procedures include:

  • Visual & Dimensional Inspection and Labeling: A thorough examination of the hose for any physical defects or deformations following testing.
  • Static Pressure Test: The brake hose is subjected to a predetermined hydraulic pressure for a specified duration to ensure it can maintain pressure without leakage.
  • Constriction Test: A plug gage, an extended plug gage, or a drop ball is inserted in the upper end of a hose assembly, which is held vertically, and allowed to drop by gravity through the hose. Used as a “go or “no go”.
  • Environmental Testing: Hoses undergo environmental conditioning (such as temperature and humidity variations) to simulate use and verify durability.
  • Chemical Compatibility Testing: Evaluation of the hose material’s resistance to brake fluids and other automotive chemicals.

End Result: Successful completion of FMVSS 106 testing confirms that the brake hoses meet all safety and performance criteria, ensuring reliable braking performance and compliance with regulatory standards.

Brake Hose Test Lab Locations: Grand Rapids (Kentwood), MI


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